Our 37th Tankmeeting #1-2017 – Blockchain a digital disruptor – a revolution in how we buy services.

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This Tank Meeting introduced the CGI Digital Day Methodology, which aims at increasing awareness by experiencing the power of industry disruption.
The digital day methodology helps people get insights in an area where disruption is close in any and every industry.

The aim of the tank meeting was to explore different perspectives of Blockchain through role-play and scenario acceleration. We focused on the Blockchain revolution which is on its way, and we wanted the participants to experience this as we invited some organizations to this journey.  One conclusion all participants agreed upon was that blockchain will affect you and your business.

Learning & Insights

Find the report from the tank meeting here.

The CGI / Innovation Pioneers webinar on April 6
Report from webinar in pdf.
Play recording from webinar. 50 minutes. (You may need to download webex app to be able to listen in)

Comment during the webinar.
Q: Do we need to replace our existing processes?
A: No, do a hybrid, find the intersections with the “old way” and blockhain. Create a roadmap how to gradually implement blockchain to your process by testing and prototyping.

Web & Video
Princeton University Free Course: Intro to Crypto and crypto currencies 

Two Recommended Ted Talks

Introduction to Ethereum
Highlevel, Hashing & Merkeltrees
Understanding the Ethereum Blockchain Protocol

The Ether Review (more technical)
Unchained (more business oriented)

Examples on implemented blockchain.

Literature (mostly business oriented)
The Business Blockchain, by William Mougayar

The Blockchain Revolution, by Don Tapscott

A pdf in Swedish on the subject. Written by David Bauman, Pontus Lindblom and Claudia Olsson and released by Näringslivspolitiskt Forum here.

Swedish Government agency Lantmäteriet on blockchain as a technical solution for real estate transactions found here.

Ted Talk

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