IPx nr 50 ( Digital Tankmeeting) hosted by Doberman – The State of Innovation in the Corona Crisis – Members Only

IPx nr 50 hosted by Doberman

This session is only available for Initiators & Members of Innovation Pioneers 


June 4th



Digital session: Digital, presentations and facilitation by Doberman

A link from Microsoft Teams will be sent to you after registration at Eventbrite before the online session. You can choose to either join on the web or download the desktop app. If you already have the Teams app, the meeting will open there automatically.


Doberman is an international design and innovation firm founded over 20 years ago with studios in NYC & Stockholm. Since the spring 2020 we are part of the EY network.

We transform brands and organizations, innovate new offerings, and make products and experiences. We are on a mission to use design to accelerate radically positive futures.

The State of Innovation in the Corona Crisis

Sweden, as well as the rest of the world, is going through dramatic changes. No organization is untouched by the needs for re-thinking plans, leadership and everyday work. What does this mean for innovation? Have the ambitions and efforts to drive long-term innovation had to step back for more urgent short-term problem-solving? If so, how might we bring innovation back on the agenda as fast as possible?

Or is it the opposite – has the Corona Crisis unleashed the power of innovation, maybe in unexpected ways and unexpected parts of the organization? If so, how might we continue, nurture and establish this newly awakened innovation culture as the new normal?

Welcome to a IPx session about innovation in the time of acute crisis.


09.30 Introduction and check-in

09.50 The State of Innovation in the Corona Crisis. Outlook, patterns and reflections.

10.10 A window of opportunity for a leap towards sustainability? Corona has forced us into transformations and a change of speed that climate activists could only dream of. How might we use this time of change to take progressive steps forward, rather than going back to the “old normal”? (Intro to breakout session 1.)

10.25 First mover positioning. When the first shockwave is over, some things will go back to normal, others not. Some actors have strengthened their positions, others have lost theirs. How to act now, not only to solve urgent problems, but to push the positions forward by innovative solutions? (Intro to breakout session 2.)

10.45 Short break

10.55 Breakout sessions:

– A leap towards sustainability

– First mover positioning

11.35 Sharing and reflections from the breakout sessions

11.50 Wrapping up: learnings and outcomes

12.00 End of the seminar

As always we will document the learnings and make it available on our website  and in our newsletter.

If you have any questions, or want to contribute to the session, contact Susanne Fuglsang at susanne.fuglsang@innovationpioneers.net or call +46 70 738 99 97.


Selection of our Initiators & Members